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- INFO-HAMS Digest Sat, 14 Oct 89 Volume 89 : Issue 767
- Today's Topics:
- ARRL Membership? (2 msgs)
- crystals for a Heathkit HW 101
- Edmund's Solar pack
- PL259 connector assembly
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 14 Oct 89 06:03:36 GMT
- From: portal!cup.portal.com!roblingelbach@uunet.uu.net (R A Lingelbach)
- Subject: ARRL
- The following is a list of MCI Mail addresses for ARRL officials, including
- an address for the league headquarters. I have sent email to every Director,
- at one time or another, and it's my experience that either some never receive
- their email or they just don't bother to respond....other Directors are very
- responsive.
- --------
- ====================
- MCI Mail Information
- for ARRL Officials
- ====================
- [12/31/88 -- W3VS]
- ARRL Directors
- Division MCI ID Name Organization Location
- --------- -------- -------------------------- --------------- --------------
- Atlantic 299-3599 Hugh A. Turnbull ARRL College Park,
- Central 257-8370 Edmond A. Metzger ARRL Springfield, I
- Dakota 282-3926 Howard Mark ARRL Burnsville, MN
- Delta 311-9747 Joel Harrison Judsonia, AR
- Gt. Lakes 256-2032 Leonard M. Nathanson ARRL Southfield, MI
- Hudson 253-2026 Stephen Mendelsohn ARRL Little Ferry,
- Midwest 298-1574 Paul Grauer ARRL Wilson, KS
- N. England 234-9723 Tom Frenaye ARRL Unionville CT
- Northwest 316-5678 Rush Drake American Radio La Center, WA
- Pacific 280-5867 Rodney J. Stafford ARRL San Jose, CA
- Roanoke 267-1037 Gay E. Milius ARRL Virginia Beach
- Rocky Mtn. 241-7097 Marshall Quiat Denver, CO
- Southeast 311-3659 Frank M. Butler, Jr. ARRL Fort Walton Be
- Southwest 254-2030 Fried Heyn ARRL Costa Mesa, CA
- West Gulf 212-3404 Jim Haynie Jim Haynie Co. Dallas, TX
- ARRL Vice Directors
- Division MCI ID Name Organization Location
- --------- -------- -------------------------- --------------- --------------
- Atlantic 319-6890 Jim Mozley American Radio Camillue, NY
- Gt. Lakes 267-1561 Allan L. Severson ARRL Lakewood, OH
- Hudson 316-6907 Paul Vydareny American Radio North Tarrytow
- N. England 307-5870 Robert B. Weinstock American Radio Silver Spring,
- Northwest 341-1427 Bill Shrader American Radio Medford, OR
- Roanoke 343-1429 John Kanode American Radio Boyce, VA
- Southeast 365-2196 Evelyn Gauzens American Radio Miami, FL
- Southwest 254-2027 Wayne Overbeck ARRL Garden Grove,
- West Gulf 275-4569 Thomas W. Comstock ARRL College Statio
- ARRL Officers
- Title MCI ID Name Organization Location
- --------- -------- -------------------------- --------------- --------------
- President 215-5162 Larry E. Price ARRL Statesboro, GA
- Exec. VP 264-6149 David Sumner ARRL Newington, CT
- 1st VP 258-2034 Jay A. Holladay ARRL La Canada, CA
- VP 227-2665 George S. Wilson ARRL Owensboro, KY
- VP 276-1068 Clyde O. Hurlbert ARRL Biloxi, MS
- Intl Affr 246-8130 Tod Olson ARRL Long Lake, MN
- Secretary 224-2662 Perry F. Williams ARRL Newington, CT
- Main Offc 215-5052 American Radio Relay Leagu ARRL HQ Newington, CT
- ----------------
- UUCP: sun!portal!cup.portal.com!roblingelbach
- INTERNET: roblingelbach@cup.portal.com
- AMPRNET: kb6cun@kb6cun.ampr.org []
- -------
- Rob Lingelbach (213) 464-6266 (voice)
- 2641 Rinconia Dr 464-0827 (data)
- Los Angeles, CA 90068
- ------------------------------
- Date: 13 Oct 89 17:45:31 GMT
- From: cica!ctrsol!uakari.primate.wisc.edu!ginosko!usc!henry.jpl.nasa.gov!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!peregrine!ccicpg!cci632!dvh@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (David Hallidy)
- Subject: ARRL Membership?
- In article <6795@ttidca.TTI.COM>, sorgatz@ttidca.TTI.COM ( Avatar) writes:
- > In article <2371@ge-dab.GE.COM> byrnes@sunwhere1.UUCP (Arthur Byrnes) writes:
- > +QST already had too little technical content, and too much
- > +"Contesting".
- >
- (some good stuff deleted for space- read the original post)
- > If the membership that is interested in things-technical were to mount a
- > unified campaign to bring this to their attention I think they'd be forced
- > into putting some quality tech articles and columns back into each monthly
- > issue.
- (some more good stuff deleted for space- same reason)
- > +Just the other day a saw a note here that says they can get usenet
- > +E-mail, but "They are not interested".
- > How many of you would be willing to compose and send me
- > a copy of a letter to be sent to K1ZZ David Sumner?? Let's tell him what we
- > think of this situation. Maybe we can make a difference, together.
- This posting basically says it all in a nutshell. The sad thing is, we
- can write all day long to K1ZZ, BUT HE WON'T ANSWER. I wrote a letter
- to him regarding the "New Frontier" cancellation, but he didn't take
- the time to respond directly- he passed the letter to Paul Rinaldo, who
- answered with what appears to be a FORM LETTER generated to "calm the
- troubled waters" stirred up by these actions.
- Maybe if enough people write en masse, he might feel inclined to answer-
- it's worth a try, and my letter will be forthcoming to you directly.
- BTW- if you ever try to CALL K1ZZ, you can't reach him either- he's
- always "in a meeting".
- Dave KD5RO
- ------------------------------
- Date: 13 Oct 89 18:28:40 GMT
- From: cica!ctrsol!uakari.primate.wisc.edu!ginosko!usc!henry.jpl.nasa.gov!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!peregrine!ccicpg!cci632!dvh@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (David Hallidy)
- Subject: ARRL Membership?
- In article <228@ssc.UUCP>, tad@ssc.UUCP (Tad Cook) writes:
- >
- (ARRL's MCIMAIL address deleted)
- >
- > Also, regarding all the whining over the cutbacks of "New Frontier",
- > this represented about 8% of what they cut. If this represented
- > the interests of a large percentage of the readership, they would
- > not have cut it. As it is, microwave operation is done by a tiny
- > percentage of ARRL members, yet the league is continuing to support
- > it with other pubications.
- Tad, you apparently are not a microwave enthusiast. That's fine, and
- you are certainly free to enjoy whatever part of ham radio you are
- involved with. I strongly suspect, however, that if your "niche"
- in this hobby were threatened (whether it be DX, Packet, SSTV, RTTY
- or whatever), you would also "whine" (your words not mine-see above).
- In case you haven't heard, ARRL has proposed to the FCC a no-code
- license which, if adopted, will give operating privileges to many
- people, on the very frequencies they have stopped covering on a
- regular basis. Right now, we are a small minority, as you correctly
- stated. However, as you can see, future happenings are likely to
- change that. Also, the microwave bands account for over 90% of our
- amateur allocations. If we don't promote activity there, our position
- with respect to keeping our allocations in the face of mounting
- commercial pressures, will be severely weakened.
- It is true, to a degree, that the League is publishing SOME microwvae
- oriented material, in the form of proceedings of the various VHF/
- UHF/Microwave conferences. This is a GIANT step in the right
- direction. However, think about who reads this material- not the
- person who is unaware of the capabilities of the microwave bands-
- he doesn't know WHY HE SHOULD be reading these publications. The
- people who read them are the ones who already are on the bands,
- or are at least contemplating such activity. The "New Frontier"
- was a vehicle, much like others in the magazine such as "How's DX",
- "On Line" and others, which bring more up-to-date (and somewhat less
- technical) information to the "unwashed masses".
- It seems short-sighted to not give these portions of our allocation
- proper coverage, especially when you note the TREMENDOUS growth
- that has taken place there over the last few years- largely, I
- suspect, due to the efforts of Bob Atkins in his column (THANKS,
- BOB), and Joe Reisert in his ex- HAM RADIO column (THANKS, JOE).
- I've been licensed 24 years, and the first 20 were spent below
- 30 MHz. I moved up largely as a result of the efforts of some
- friends who detected my frustration with "You're 59, please QSL"
- type QSO's. Alot of other ex-HF people are on the VHF and above
- bands (K5YY and K5UR are two quick examples- BIIIIG DX and contest
- types, both), and for the same reasons- the challenge of HF is
- largely gone. There are still some frontiers to cross on the
- microwave bands, though, and if we don't promote activity there,
- we'll lose the allocations and WE'LL ALL BE STUCK ON 20 METERS.
- I WILL NOT GO BACK- I will give up the hobby before I go back
- to the shit on 20 meters! Or 40, or 80. Lots of others feel the
- same. We're a minority now, but our numbers are increasing fast!
- I've "whined" enough. Sorry for the length of this posting, but
- you and others need to know where we "microwavers" are coming
- from.
- 73 Dave Hallidy KD5RO
- ------------------------------
- Date: 14 Oct 89 01:42:41 GMT
- From: hpda!hpcupt1!bmp@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Brian M. Perkin)
- Subject: crystals for a Heathkit HW 101
- International Crystal Manufacturing
- P. O. Box 26330,
- 701 W. Sheridan,
- Oklahoma City, OK
- 73126-0330
- 800-426-9825
- 405-236-3741
- (This is not an endorsement.)
- ------------------------------
- Date: 13 Oct 89 17:47:50 GMT
- From: ingr!b11!herbster@uunet.uu.net (Joe Herbster)
- Subject: Edmund's Solar pack
- Sorry for the confusion, i feel compelled to post the real stats.
- The item i thought was expensive, probably is, and reads as
- follows from the catalog;
- SOLAR POWER PACK -- portable & rechargeable. Provides electrical
- power to operate ...... Power output can be switched for 6 or 12v.
- Contains 36 solar cells encapsulated on aluminum substrate. Blocking
- diode prevents overcharge. Unit can be recharged by sunlight or from
- any 12v vehicle. Battery is new Gates cyclon high-power sealed lead
- acid rechargeable type. High imact carry case. Two models......
- 12v at 2.5A 30w (12.25 x 9.25 x 4.25") $219.00
- 12v at 8.0A 96w (13.5 x 10.5 x 4.25") $440.00
- The solar array is built into the lid of the case and is less than
- a sqare foot of area. It is obvious that the solar array is only
- a trickle charger for the battery. No amp-hour rating provided.
- And the EPA will be after me for my water wheel......anyone have
- some more creative ideas for spinning an automotive alternator??
- de KM4JN
- ------------------------------
- Date: 14 Oct 89 05:06:27 GMT
- From: zebolskyd%byuvax.BITNET@jade.Berkeley.EDU
- Subject: MEA CULPA
- In <5151@cbnewsm.ATT.COM>, KA1GT writes:
- >Sorry, I didn't know "for sales" were taboo
- Heck, Bob, don't worry about it. It isn't as though the FCC was going to
- jerk your ticket. Other newsgroups allow (or apparently tolerate) such
- "for sale" postings, and it would be a natural mistake to make. I sure
- didn't know there was any such prohibition. And if anyone flames at you
- or tries to put you down for an honest mistake, they are neither a
- gentleman nor a scholar, and don't belong on the air or at a keyboard.
- --Lyle D. Gunderson N6KSZ
- zebolskyd@yvax.byu.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: 14 Oct 89 12:16:45 GMT
- From: wa3wbu!john@uunet.uu.net (John Gayman)
- Subject: PL259 connector assembly
- In article <2538@dogie.macc.wisc.edu>, kleemann@vms.macc.wisc.edu (Brad Kleemann) writes:
- > >I picked up some RG-8/X coax, some PL259 connectors (silver plated) and
- > ^^^^^^
- > ARE YOU SURE?!? The adapters are for the smaller RG-58/U ONLY!
- > PL-259's are meant to handle RG/8 or RG/11 DIRECTLY!
- > >the UG-176 adapters for the connectors at a local hamfest. I want to
- > >build up some better coax for my dipole than what I am using now.
- > >
- Amphenol lists two different adapters for the PL-259 in thier catalog:
- UG-175 -- RG-55,58,141,142 (.209" I.D.)
- UG-176 -- RG-59,62,71,140,210 (.257" I.D.)
- They list nothing for RG-8/X specifically. In the back of my mind I
- seem to recall that Radio Shack had an adapter that would handle RG-8/X
- but I could be mistaken. My Belden catalog lists RG-8/X as having an
- O.D. of .242", so it looks like the UG-176 adapter should accomidate
- it.
- John
- --
- John Gayman, WA3WBU | UUCP: uunet!wa3wbu!john
- 1869 Valley Rd. | ARPA: john@wa3wbu.uu.net
- Marysville, PA 17053 | Packet: WA3WBU @ WB3EAH
- ------------------------------
- End of INFO-HAMS Digest V89 Issue #767
- **************************************